Wednesday 18 February 2015

Reaching our goals!

Despite the cold weather, our hearts are warm with thankfulness and God's merciful abundance! On Family Day, we were excited to share with our social media friends that we have finally reached 100% of our MAF monthly ministry support for our first term! This was thanks to many people who give monthly, yearly, or on a one-time basis. We shared it through an instalment of "Breakfast with the Boers":

So what does this all mean?

1) We are done full-time support raising, but we are never done support-raising. This is a scary and difficult concept to explain, but essentially, we know over even the first four years, some of our financial support will drop off. Why? Because some of it was one-time support or because circumstances change for people! So, we continue to occasionally meet and share with people, in the hopes that we can build a buffer zone of support, that will keep us fully supplied over our first term!

2) In the meantime, we wait and pray. We wait for little baby Boersie to arrive and we wait for Marcel's visa! And we pray that God will provide perfect timing and that we have the patience and humility to wait on his perfect timing! And of course ... we continue to study Portuguese!

Thank you to everyone who tracks with us and prays for us! We look forward to joining the team in Angola, in God's good timing!

Monday 2 February 2015

As aulas de portugues!

Olá, amigos! Algumas pessoas têm nos perguntado, "Como estão as nossas aulas de português?" As vezes, nós respondemos, "Muito bem!", mas outras vezes, nós respondemos, "É muito difícil!" ou "Temos dor de cabeça!" Então ... nós vamos te passar um blog sobre nossas aventuras em aprender português ( ... mas em inglês)!

Okay, okay ... what did I just say?

Hello friends! Some people have asked us, "How are your portuguese lessons?" Sometimes, we answer, "Very well!", but other times, we respond, "It's so difficult!" or "We have a headache!" So .. we're going to give you a little blog about our adventures in learning Portuguese (and the rest will be in English).

Well, as you can imagine, learning a new language in your late twenties is somewhere between "EXTREMELY difficult" and "not-as-difficult-as-learning-a-new-language-when-you're-fifty"! Thankfully, we have a great tutor, who meets with us three times a week. God has gifted her with a lot of patience, endurance, and humour, as we are not always enthusiastic and willing students.

We do some textbook learning, some conversational practice, and once a week we seem to have some musical adventures in Portuguese. For example, we will listen to "Mighty to Save" by Hillsong, in Portuguese of course, or "Let it Go!" from Frozen. And .... as our tutor has a four year old daughter, my (Kelly's) most recent addiction is this catchy little chicken "Galinha Pintadinha" and her sing-a-long songs for children. Check out some of our "homework":

"Ja Passou"--the Portugal Portuguese version of "Let it Go" ... the Brazillian Portuguese version is different ... and we don't know about Angola!

Kelly's favourite song about an ant crawling up the body and trying to shake it off:

Learning Portuguese has allowed me, Kelly, to draw on a lot of that French that I learned way back in high school/elementary school. The two languages are quite similar grammatically, and this gives me a great boost in learning Portuguese. We also frequently use Duolingo, an AMAZING, FREE app for learning languages on your computer, iPad, or iPhone. Check it out, you may want to learn along with us:

Please keep our language learning in your prayers, especially for patience and endurance both on our end and our tutor's end!! Hopefully, by the time baby comes, we'll be able to sing it some songs in Portuguese during the wee hours of the night! :)