Saturday 20 April 2019

Rural medicine, medevacs, and more...

In early March, I (Marcel) had the opportunity to join a medical trip with Dr Tim Kubacki to the southeast province of Angola, Cuando Cubango.

These trips take place several times per year, where Dr Kubacki will travel via MAF to several small villages, performing rural medicine.

In an effort to describe as best as possible what goes on during these trips and explain what rural medicine / medevac flights / and some of the logistics behind a trip like this, I attempted to video document the four days as best I could in order to share the story of some of MAF Angola's most important work with you. You can also hear about it on the April 2 episode of "Breakfast with the Boers" podcast (find the link on the right side of this page).

"MAF Angola - Southeast Angola" on Youtube

 I hope you enjoy!