It's hard to believe but we're already into March! Not that I'm complaining ... we would love to think we'll have some nice spring or summer weather before we leave.
Baby Boersie ...
The baby countdown is on ... just 3 1/2 more weeks! We had a baby shower last week, and we feel so blessed by our church family and friends. Wow ... it was just so overwhelming to know that Baby Boersie has so many amazing people to look up to ... who will care for, pray for, and teach him/her! I was reminded of the truth that it takes a village to raise a child!
It's really a rather weird stage to be in right now: preparing for a baby, but also remembering that our time here is short and limited. It's a constant question of prioritizing things: do I really need this for baby? Will we be able to bring it with us?
"Getting' ready" ... the laundry starts now! |
Visas ...
On the other hand, we are still waiting and praying on visas ... which makes the whole process a greater leap of faith, because we have no set departure date. Your prayers would be appreciated! We would love to stay in Canada as long as possible, but we also feel the pulling of Angola, as we have waiting many years now for our assignment with MAF to "come to fruition"!
Head lice ...
"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." (1 Thess. 5:18). A couple of weeks ago, we got what we like to call "on the job training"--in the form of head lice. And by we, I mean I got it (likely while teaching) and Marcel got LOTS of training on how to tackle lice. Although it was itchy and awkward (really, I got head lice at 26 years old?), we couldn't help but reflect on how this was very practical training for Africa. In all likelihood, we'll have to deal with much worse afflictions in Africa (have you heard of malaria?). And anyway ... we were so thankful that head lice doesn't hurt the baby! I like to think Marcel and I are much closer as a couple now, after that experience!
Scars, Blessings, and Jesus ...
On Saturday, Marcel and I had the opportunity to attend "Fluid 2015" young adults conference in Oakville at the Meeting House. It was an incredible day of teaching, worship, and fellowship with some amazing speakers and worship leaders. One of the speakers, Jefferson Bethke--who is famous for his YouTube viral video "
Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus"--was talking about how
Jesus is in the business of taking wounds and healing them into scars. We are often proud of our scars, excited to tell the story of how we got them. He said that this is the definition of a "witness"--someone who says, "Look what Jesus did!" and shows the scars and tells the story of how Jesus healed the wounds!
That's what Marcel and I hope to be--"scar witnesses". We're not perfect people, and we are certainly not perfect witnesses. But in big ways and small, God has prepared us with our scars AND our blessings for this journey with MAF to Angola. In many ways, He has blessed us here in Canada with the resources, the skills, and the ability to move overseas--something that not everyone can do. But He has also orchestrated our past, healing big and little wounds to make us the people we are today. And what an incredible truth to know--that the things we've experienced shape us to be the witnesses God has called us to be! The times I've rebelled and God has called me back. The times I've messed up and He's forgiven me completely. The times I've felt lonely, scared, or ashamed--He will use those scars to help someone else heal their wounds!
Fluid Young Adults Conference with 1500 YAs! |