As we start back in to the "post-vacation grind", Marcel and I want to take a few minutes to share with you some reflections on the last year and updates on our future in 2014!
2013 brought many exciting new opportunities our way. As you can recall, we started with MAF in November. For Marcel, this meant a change from working on airplanes every day to working from home. As for me, I have continued to supply teach but less frequently, and also work on MAF work from home. Our job with MAF is actually a lot of fun--we get to connect with friends and family and share about a ministry we feel very passionate about! But it also requires a lot of faith and trust, teamwork, and an extensive amount of time and energy.
2013 also brought a new house in to the picture. As we talked about in a previous blog, we wanted to buy a house (specifically a condo) that we could rent out to Western students or families in the future while we are overseas. Well, we love our new house so far, and we even had over 30 young adults crammed in to the house for New Years Eve! That's one thing we could have never done in our basement apartment!
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Sold! Dec. 20, 2013. |
The most exciting thing about 2013 though has been seeing how God is already working in peoples' hearts to partner with us in our MAF ministry. We already have several monthly supporters, as well as many one-time donors to our MAF ministry. Despite our trepidations that no one would want to partner with us so close to Christmas, God has been faithful at launching our ministry and showing He is in control! Thank you to everyone who has joined us already! We're excited to get more people on board in 2014.
But as exciting as 2013 has been, I have this feeling 2014 is going to be the biggest year yet. New Years Day it dawned on me ... this could be the year we move overseas! This could be the year we pack everything up and take a huge leap of faith! (Extra huge right now, since we are still waiting on God's leading for where we should go.) This could be the year that this massive MAF dream comes true--a dream that really can only happen because of God's mercy. We've still got a lot of money to raise and a lot of prayers to say, but God is doing big things through MAF and we are trusting in His faithfulness to carry this through to the end. Our goal is to have all of our support raised by August--can you help us make that a reality?
2014 could be our biggest year yet ... and it could be yours too! I want to end with a challenge. I know a lot of people aren't in to New Years resolutions and things like that. But if you've been tracking along with us, praying for us, reading our blog or Facebook pages, then I challenge you to pray about how God can use you this year. Maybe it's through MAF--maybe the Holy Spirit wants to use you to partner with us in sharing the gospel. Maybe it's through local ministries or your local church. Whatever the case, don't ignore the Holy Spirit's whispers. We're praying for you too. Please pray for us.
Happy 2014 friends, may it be totally awesome and a chance to grow closer to Christ!
Kelly and Marcel
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