Monday 10 March 2014

March Madness

Kelly needed an off week from this, so here is MARCEL-BLOG-POST-INSTALLMENT-NUMBER-2:

Don't look yet... but spring is almost here! Yes, we did have temperatures dipping down past the -20's not even a week ago, but when it's sunny and the mercury is a few notches on the positive side of zero (like it is today in London ON), then all you need is the combination of an extra hour of daylight and those cold nights are but a distant memory.

Not lost in the last couple of weeks of cold weather is the memory we have of people warming our hearts with their generosity and joining up with us in our ministry with MAF (and yes, that was probably the worst topic transition I've made in recent memory). One of the frequently asked questions we get now is "how is it going with MAF?", first of all, thank for asking as we safely assume it means you care! ...and the quick answer to that is "great!". The response we've received the last couple weeks has been astounding on various levels. Everything from people asking us to present to a group of people, to random donations we've received without an ask has been encouraging say the least.

To give you and idea, since January 20th we have made 10 different group presentations ranging from small groups, to a school presentation, and even a radio interview. We must sound pretty good since we were asked to come back in a couple weeks for a follow up radio interview! We are also scheduled to do another 11 presentations before the end of April. As far as our financial support is concerned, since that week of January 20th, our monthly support has risen from 13% to 21%, and our one-time outgoing amount has gone from 34% to 57%.

One thing we have to say looking back at this, is that God's hand has been evident in being gracious to us. We know we can't do this on our own, and He has provided a great network of people who are ready and willing to join in this mission.

Now, back to the presentation preparation...

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