Wednesday 2 July 2014

I NEED to write this

While sipping my coffee this morning, an overwhelming sense of urgnecy presented itself and I realized, there is something I NEED to blog about. It came about from this line:

"Good for you for wanting to move overseas and help people."

We've heard this a LOT. And fair enough ... what else are people going to naturally want to say when we explain our big plan with MAF?

But guys ... it's not about us.

It's not about "building up good karma" or "just tryin' to be good people" or "trying to change the world."

I'll be honest ... of my own accord, I do not want to go overseas and help people. I want to make money, have a nice house, raise some kids, take lots of fun vacations and travel, and never be bothered by other people's issues.

But all that changed (and changes) with Jesus.

Those of you who have known us longer than a half hour know that we are Christians, but man ... I don't think I've explained it totally right.

Being a follower of Christ literally changes everything. It's not about going to church (though that's nice, and fairly important). It's not about praying or reading your Bible (though those are two of the most important things I do). And it's definitely more than being a good person who follows the ten commandments.

Let me quote Jesus to help explain what it's really about, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)

It's about LIFE. It's about life being meaningless until we met Christ. The gospel boiled down is this ... God is good and just. He loves us and created us in His image. He gave us the freedom of choice to follow Him, but we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Isn't this true? Even the best of us, who tries to be the best human being we can be, falls short of ultimate perfection. We try to earn God's favour by doing good things, but God is infinitely good and Holy ... and well, it doesn't take a genius to see that we humans make mistakes ... we fall short.

But God has a simple, beautiful, life-changing solution. "For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous of the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit." (1 Peter 3:18). He sent His perfect Son Jesus, fully man but also fully God, to die on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins. It's mind-blowing to grasp, but Jesus made the ultimate exchange ... his life, for our life. "Yet God, with undeserved kinds, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty of our sins." (Romans 3:24)

We are made right with God by believing and placing our faith in Jesus. We are freed from the guilt of our sins ... we are free to live and breathe with a new, lasting, eternal, peaceful life. We have purpose in this life on earth (to love God and love others) and the knowledge that we have ETERNAL life beyond our short few years here on earth.

And this is what motivates us to want to serve with MAF. It's not of our own accord. It's because Jesus loved us first, and now we want to serve and love others (1 John 4:19). 

It's not us trying to earn God's favour or even earn YOUR favour. It springs out of this great joy and peace in our hearts. It comes from a new heart that Christ has given us ... a heart for Him and a heart for people.

Phew. That was a lot to write for 8:30 am in the morning, the day after Canada Day. But it's off my chest and I'm glad. Because Jesus changes everything.

P.S. Lecrae (just one of my fav music artist ever) says it so, so well. Seriously, listen. It's so good.


  1. Thank you, Kelly, for such a beautiful way of expressing God's calling on your heart. Praise God that he gives us the desire to follow his plans!! Praying for you two!

  2. Amazing! Thank you! Very well put. We hope to serve with MAF US soon. We're less than a year away from applying. :-)

  3. amen to that .... working with Jesus is sooooooooooooo awesome you think that you can not do enough for Him. Praise the Lord that He does keep us humble, and that we do not run ahead of Him. The Lord id good.
