Here I am sitting in Blenheim, at my parent's house--our new temporary home. For me, it still feels like home, as I never fully settled down into a house in London--home in London was and is West London Alliance Church. In the midst of waiting, changing, seeking, and again, waiting... WLA Church has been our constant. Our community connections pastor, and longest friend at WLA, Graham said something that rang so true to me last Sunday,"I am only able to succeed because of the community God has placed around me." This is so true in our lives ... without the people of WLA, we would not be able to move overseas and pursue our dream of serving with MAF. They are our prayer warriors, our biggest financial supporters, our deepest friends, our role models, and our family. When people ask me what I'll miss most overseas, I can answer honestly, "Our friends, and our family, and most definitely, our church."
But ... the reality of life is that we are not called or commanded to live a life of comfort. Comfort would be so easy if we just stayed in London, and never left WLA... after all, where else are we going to find a better worship team, a better staff, and such great facilities? I randomly opened my Bible today (waiting for Ethan to nap) and read these challenging words from Deuteronomy 10:12-13. "And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of the Lord, which I am commanding you today for your good?" No where does it mention "Be comfortable."
Thankfully, some people at WLA challenge me to take action and be uncomfortable... and again, I'll make reference to Graham. His sermon this past Sunday was AWESOME. A word that rocked me to the core from his sermon was humility. Oh boy ... I don't know of too many people who aren't challenged by that word. To be humble like Christ is ... wow, it's hard.
So in humility, I'm asking you this: would you pray for Marcel and I as we move to Angola? Pray that we would be challenged, uncomfortable, humble, repentant, brave, and obedient? It occurred to me that I don't always live out Deuteronomy 10:12-13. In fact, I kind of suck at being a Christ-follower many days. I don't view it as my full-time job ... which it is, for every Christian. And, if I'm not careful, I will slip into the exact same patterns as I do here--being complacent, or scared, or proud, or comfortable.So ... would you keep that in mind when you pray for us? Thank you ... eternally.
Now that I've been all meditative and stuff, I'll conclude this blog with some updates, because I know that there's always lots to share from week-to-week. Regarding Blenheim ... it's great here. Living at my parents is a great way to transition overseas. We've already pre-packed and pre-purged ... so packing for Angola will be easier. And spending time with my family is great. My parents are so happy to be able to spend time with Ethan, and I'm so thankful for their help. Futhermore, it's so cool to see how God is working in their lives, and how they are following him in obedience.
We have a tentative departure date: October 5. Marcel is gone most of September doing several courses to help him learn more about the airplanes he will be working on. He will be in Spokane, Washington, Munich, Germany, and France. However, between his American and European course, we will be at WLA Church on Sept. 20 for our commissioning service. I have a feeling a few tears will be shed by both Marcel and I.
And finally ... Happy Birthday to my amazing husband! Marcel is turning 29 this weekend! God has been so incredibly merciful in my life ... by giving me such a great human being to be my partner, best friend, and husband. Happy 29 years Marcel ... Lord willing, there will be many more years ahead! You are an amazing father and man of God!
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Moving out ... |
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... and moving in. |
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