Saturday 17 May 2014

Long Weekend Update!

Guten morgen! (Good morning, in German!)

Thought I would post a little update on life, support-raising, and some praise/prayer points.

We are very excited (and by excited I mean thrilled, exhilarated, humbled, and all around in awe) to announce that our current support levels are sitting at ...

Drumroll please ...

37% of our monthly support AND ...

99% of our one-time, outgoing support!!!!!!!!

So what does that mean?!

It means we could move overseas now, but we'd have to move right back to Canada, LOL. 

So what does it mean for you ... friends, family, supporters, and potential financial supporters?

It means from here on in we're going to put a big push on finding monthly supporters. We want to have all of our support raised by AUGUST. 

But, we know a lot of people do not feel "financially equipped" to commit to being a monthly supporter. So we want to introduce you to a couple of options:

1) Become an annual giver! Maybe you prefer to see one withdrawal a year, as opposed to twelve, and you have a favourite time of year (like post income tax return?). You can commit to give once a year as an annual giver. Will you consider becoming an annual giver of $50, 100, or 200? Your commitment is our peace of mind.

2) You can still give a one-time donation. What will happen to your one-time donation, once we reach 100% of our outgoing fund? It will be counted in our "monthly support" and split up over 48 months. As you can imagine, this still helps us out a lot. We just want to encourage people that if you know you can commit to a similar or smaller amount per month or year, that your commitment helps bring more stability and predictability to our funds!

Now ... on to some praise and prayer points ...

1) Obviously, a huge praise point for us is that number--99%--of our outgoing funds! Wow! And not only that, but God has just richly blessed us with amazing people as our monthly supporters. We are consistently loved, encouraged, and blessed by them!

2) Some personal prayer points. Marcel and I signed up to be soccer coaches this summer. We wanted to do this to meet new people in our community, so please pray for relationships to be made, bridges to be built and team unity! Additionally, it's been on our hearts for a while now to start a "Christianity Explored" Bible study for non-Christians and friends, so please pray for this to come to fruition!

3) Please pray for our upcoming dessert night at West London Alliance Church on June 1st. We want this to be our biggest event. Please pray for at least 50-80 people to come, and for us to see a dramatic increase in our monthly financial support.

4) Finally, please pray for our staff team at MAF Canada. They are currently in the discernment stage of determining where we would serve best overseas, and no doubt, they could use a lot of prayer for this! We're hoping to find out soon where God will lead us!

God bless friends! Have an amazing long weekend!

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