Wednesday 3 June 2015

Eight positive things about living in limbo ...

No new news on a departure date. So in the spirit of "looking on the bright side", I've compiled a list of the positive aspects of living life in limbo.

1. You save a lot of money. Like ... a lot. Why buy new winter clothes when we're moving someplace warm? Old vehicle died? Well, we'll make due with just one car. Oh, and that cast iron pan? Yeah ... something about "cast iron" screams ... heavy suitcase. Living in limbo has saved us a lot of money and forced us to live more simply. It's been a blessing in disguise! We've learned the art of borrowing, making due without, and buying second hand!

2. And on that note ... we've learned the art of purging and selling. Kijiji is our best friend. When you know you're moving eventually, you assess what you need and what you don't.

3. You don't take things for granted. Like a perfect, sunny day doing something classically "Canadian". Or visits from best friends. Or time with family. Because every time could be the "last time".

4. People make more of an effort to see you ... just in case this is the last time. But since the whole process has been taking longer than we originally thought it would, we've been able to see people for the last time again, and again, and a little bit more!

5. You learn patience. So it's not fun learning patience, but you learn it. And patience is a good thing. Yup.

6. We've had more time to learn Portuguese with our awesome tutor in the comfort of our home. Which means we'll be more prepared when we do have to use it!

7. More time in Canada = more time for Ethan to hang out with our family. And I don't think any of the grandparents are complaining about that!

8. And finally ... we've learned to trust in God and lean on Him more day by day. We know that He sees all and nothing is outside of His control. We've felt the encouragement of people praying for us. We've praised Him for His good works and brought our honest, heartfelt petitions to Him. He's given us a son and time to enjoy as a family in Canada. And even though we don't know when everything will come into order (and this can be very frustrating for us) ... visas WILL arrive and we'll head overseas one day soon. We know that He hears our prayers and will work things out for His glory!

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